"Aadhar Foundation - Rehabilitation & Development Centre for Mentally / Intellectually & Physically Challenged, Women & Child" including Orphans was founded in 2010 by Disabled Social Activist Er. Mahesh Kinth.
"Aadhar Foundation is a registered charitable, not profit and non-govt. civil society organization. Prime motto of the organization is rehabilitation, development, capacity building, training for livelihood and welfare services to Intellectually & Physically Challenged, Women & Child, poor and needy of the society and to serve the poor and the under privileged, with special attention to Persons / Children with disabilities especially for Intellectual & Developmental Challenging Persons (Intellectual Challenging, Cerebral Palsy, Autistic and Multiple Challenges). The objective is to empower socially & economically through self reliance & independence by providing them quality health services, intervention, qualitative education, vocational training, advocacy for their cause, creating barrier free environment, lively hood activities and community based rehabilitation. It is a registered charitable, not profit and non-govt. civil society organization to serve the poor and the under privileged, with special attention to Children with Disabilities. The objective is to empower socially & economically through self reliance & independence by providing them quality health services, intervention, qualitative education, vocational training, advocacy for their cause, creating barrier free environment, lively hood activities and community based rehabilitation.
Main streaming of Women and Children with disabilities by socio- economic inclusion through equal participation.
To provide quality health services, education, vocational training and advocacy for their rights & entitlements to empower them to lead a independent life through the combined efforts of themselves, families, community, stakeholders and likeminded Govt. & Non-Govt. Agencies.
To reduce the possibility of Disability and severity of the Children with Disabilities among the far-flung rural areas and over all development & rehabilitation and empowerment of Women, Persons with Disabilities by involving community, parents and caregivers and other stake holder.
A sustainable strategy is devised to achieve maximum need based and right based approach initiated ascertains the problems with fully community involvement. The programme goal is materialized with a helping hand from members, donors, funding agencies and philanthropists.