For Persons with Disabilities of age group from zero to 100 yrs.
For Children with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities of age group from zero to 18 yrs.
For Persons with Intellectual Challenges, Cerebral Palsy, Autism and Multiple Challenges of age group from zero to 100 yrs.
For Persons with Disabilities, Needy and Poor
EARLY IDENTIFICATION AND INTERVENTION - mainly focuses on the children between the age group of 0-6 years. It is a process of detecting, assessing, diagnosing and treating the children with developmental delay during the early phase.
SPECIAL EDUCATION & PRE-SCHOOLING - It helps manage the specific needs of children with intellectual challenges.
OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY AND TRAINING FOR DAILY LIVING SKILLS - It helps develop and maintain skills for daily living. It is long-term and focuses on dressing, toileting, washing, brushing, feeding, play, other personal activities,
PHYSIOTHERAPY - focuses on mobility, physical activity and overall health and well-being.
AUDITORY THERAPY AND SPEECH THERAPY - It helps children with delay development having speech and language problems to speak more frequently and clearly.
BEHAVIOUR MODIFICATION TRAINING - It helps the children to modify their behavior problems as ADHD – attention deficit hyper activity disorder, hurting / biting self or others, abnormal behavior, fear, irritation, disobedience etc.
COUNSELLING, ADVOCASY & GUIDANCE - It helps parents, guardian, caregivers and children with challenges talk about problems and feelings in a confidential setting.
PRE-VOCATIONAL TRAINING - It helps PwDs to know and vocational activities and prepare for employment.
VOCATIONAL THERAPY- It helps individuals gain productive employment by developing skills and identifying appropriate jobs.
NIRAMAYA – HEALTH INSURANCE PROGRAMME AND LEGAL GUARDIANSHIP The objective of NIRAMAYA is to provide affordable Health Insurance to Persons with Disabilities. In the chairmanship of Distt. Collector Aadhar Foundation has provide Legal Guardianship to the Persons with Intellectual, Cerebral Palsy, Autism & Multiple Disabilities above 18 years to save them for their
INCLUSIVE LIVELIHOOD RESOURCE CENTRE - (SKILL TRAINING CENTRE - STITCHING, CUTTING & TAILORING, BEAUTY PARLOR, DAIRY MANAGEMENT, ETC.) The organization has provide skill training as Stitching, Cutting & Tailoring, Beauty Parlor, Dairy Management etc. to women with Disabilities, parents of children with intellectual, developmental & multiple disabilities.
WATER LITERACY ACTIVITIES The Organization – Aadhar Foundation organised many programmes as Awareness and orientation programs for members of Inclusive self Help Groups, Panchayatiraj Institution members, General community etc, Workshop for students, Awareness program for farmers etc on the subject Water Literacy.
GOAL OF WATER LITERACY PROGRAMME The organization’s goal is to make India a “water efficient nature” by raising awareness about water scarcity and establishing rain water harvesting is rural as well as urban areas.
HAND WASH BEHAVIOUR CHANGE PROGRAMME A joint venture of Hindustan Unilever and Naman Sewa Samiti (Through Community and mothers engagement ) The main goal of this programme is to reduce diseases and IMR through change in behavior of the community to wash hand by soap by engagement of Mothers Community, School going children, school teachers, Aganwadi Staff, Asha Workers and community. Currently the organization provided the residential and Non-residential services to 129 Persons with Disabilities by the dedication of 30 staff in the Rehabilitation Centre and 125 in rural far-flung areas with the support of The National Trust, Social Justice and Disabled Welfare Deptt. and Donors. Other Activities Currently Done – Marriage of Orphan Daughter, Distribution of Mask, Food & Grains during Lockdown due to COVID-19, Distribution of Cloths, Blankets & needy items to Poor & Needy Persons in general and Persons with Disabilities particular . Till date Aadhar foundation has helped in the rehabilitation of more than 200 Children with Intellectual and Developmental challenges and through all activities number goes to 3613 all types of Persons with Disabilities.